thats right
I've had it, can't take it
eating away and devouring too many of my friends for me too handle
(yes g3p0 I'm looking in your direction)
all that we have left are me, fask, quinn, and robby
the rest of you have all been brainwashed and mind-erased by the fox corporation
My brother has even looked at me with a blank stare
spouting off "its our generation's version of the ed sullivan show..."
I am surprised he didn't look at me and tell me that he loves paul mccartney,
hates bob dylan, spends extra cash for premium gas, and is dressed from head to
toe in cubs gear.
I mean after ritualistically running around the couch 3 times and then
bowing down before the fox emblem with his new neon fleece OC sweat shirt
don't get me wrong I love staring at hot chicks for an hour in a row
but those 2 chumps for guys they have on the show have kept me from ever finishing
a single episode. Their voices whine and make me wanna puke
whats that you say?
thats right never done the dance...
never went the whole 9 yards
I mean I have gotten really close
(bottom of the 9th, 2 strikes, 2 outs, man on third...)
and click turned the TV off
it felt awesome
felt better than the first time I actually made it a month without smoking
I am rounding up an anti-OC posse
we will ride through the evening by horseback and stop at every household
watching the OC blaring screeching violins, trombones and broken saxophone reeds
until they get so frustrated by not hearing the dialog that they come outside to
kick my ass when all along my stealthy riders of the night ride into the
friskilating moonlight. When returning they will have lost their place in
time with the storyline and will feel the OC grasp slightly dimisinish
this is your chance to be free
join me