Monday, March 14, 2005

dry skin = lotion often

so I have something to throw out there that I thought
some of you could help me clear up

I would like to know if anyone has any clue what is meant
by the liberal "biased" media

what or who in fact are/is the liberal media

it seems to me that any show that actually looks at
american affairs from a global perspective is known as a liberal program

if it isn't 100% pro-american it is a liberal program

the new york times, washington post, cnn, npr, bbc
all of these programs tend to tell us of what is going on in the world
instead of why the rest of the world is screwing us over

I mean fox television and right wing radio programs
are money making schemes clear and simple and that is it
they are in no way telling us the news or what is happening in the world
and I have to admit they know what they are doing

but they only tell a certain portion of the world news
which would leave many (and does leave many)in the dark

how is telling as much of the truth as possible liberal
and only telling a sliver of the actual reality on this planet

I wouldn't nomenclate it as liberal vrs. conservative
but somewhat shadey vrs. super slim shadey

where does Al-Jazeera fit in?


At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Dan -- I think it's more than presenting facts. You can tell the bias of a writer even on a wire service like Associated Press or Reuters. We're not even talking Op-Eds. For example, when you read an AP wire, you can tell the political leanings of the writer based on, for example, whether they call Hezbollah "terrorists" or simply a Lebanese "political" resistance group. Reuters had a policy of calling some horrible group (I forget which) "freedom fighters". These are examples of how you cannot separate fact from value and you have to look for the bias always. And more examples abound in any paper you open, you just have to ask what are the philosophic assumptions of the writer. You can see their premises when they write on any issue, from social security to foreign policy. And when you read the opinion page, well it's obvious. That's 2 cents anyway.

At 3:55 PM, Blogger one too many mornings said...

So basically you are saying there is no such thing as fair and balanced news, just news with either a conservative or liberal bias?

At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, basically. It doesn't mean learning the facts is impossible though, it just means that you always have to read/listen with rectifiers on. And I think taking this view of media means that we don't have to think of ourselves as brainwashed by our sources cause they're always put through the skeptical filter.

At 11:21 AM, Blogger one too many mornings said...

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At 4:37 PM, Blogger one too many mornings said...

so what, in your opinion is the fairest, least biased new source?

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

for real in depth research kind of pieces, I like the Atlantic Monthly. Both their liberal and conservative writers do a good job, and there is usually very little "screaming" if you know what I mean.

For daily news pieces I think they're all basically the same. AP wires in the local paper or online are fine. Hell, in terms of the items that are reported I think Fox News and CNN are bascially the same (obviously not when it comes to HOW they're reported or the opinions, though).

What's your favorite?

What's your favorite color? Ice Cream flavor? I'm a SWM seeking MWD for walks in the rain and making out under the bleachers at little league games.


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