Friday, July 22, 2005

Where the fuck have I been for so little?

sorry I haven't posted in a while I haven't been able to blog lately
everytime I try to write something I feel like puking
like as if it isn't enough to have to relive every trivial moment of
my day already.

basically overloadI just needed to stop writing stupid shit no one gives a rats ass about
anyways. does anyone else get the blog disgusr? can't even stand to
write a single fucking letter(Y) let alone a sentence,
let alone paragraphs or whatever else there is, get the point...

so I started smoking again, partly because of a girl I was hanging out with and
partly because I didn't have a girl to hang out with.

I feel like shit, can't seem to wake up in the mornings, have a constant sore throat,
and blow 5-6 bucks every 3 days...
and I wouldn't fucking trade it in for the world.

Their is something about sitting by yourself smoking a cigarette that just
makes sense to me and although I know that I will have to quit someday
I cherish the times I have.
It seems like that beautiful tragic relationship
that we all fall for or have fallen for
and have never get over.

The one were you know your days are numbered
from the first kiss, but the passion, insomnia,
excitment, affection, booze, and everything else
just makes you feel alive
and for once part of a fleeting beauty
too beautiful to last without
something in this world soiling it.

anyways back to the front again

finding myself staring and not
really knowing why some things are the way they are

Thursday, July 07, 2005


so I have had sufficient time to let the donovan
in summerfest experience absorb in my mind
and all I have to say is it was one of the weirdest concerts ever

in general donovan's voice is still awesome and has
all the sustain and tone that he had back in the day

the only thing is that he is now backed by a horrible band
with bunch of burned out guys all his age, who now play cheesy keyboards,
bongos, and electronic stand up basses. The only member of the band that was
cool was the WWF wrestler bongo player who would jump up and down
during the choruses of songs.

donovan is completely fried and has blue hair
this and he can not stop speaking in a jamaican accent
"mr mon-i-tar man, can I a hava more bass gitar in me monitor..."

just weird, the show was pushed aside to the midevil times old folks tent
in milwaukee fest that had all of these weird banners,
although the beer was really good.

munch had a classic sarcastic sneer that kept us laughing
and fask did his best to dance the crowd into a hippie frenzy

that was all capped by a wild mellow yellow parade with trickleez
, j-lo, faskola, and other gals we don't know, even btan stepped in
to spin his baton and shout out a couple of choruses.
