Wednesday, November 24, 2004

hooka smoking caterpiller

we went out to the hookah bar last night
and next thing you know everyone is buzzed and
the room is riding high.
really cool place right on division/damen
I highly recommend it
we'll be riding caravan style onto our next oasis

I can't believe my sister knows how to blow smoke rings
she has only been smoking for like 4 years and can blow perfect rings
I have been smoking for ten and
could't blow a ring if my life depended on it.

I remember being a kid and watching my dad blow awesome smoke rings
with a cigar, it must be genetic I guess

another one of those genetic traits that got passed down to my siblings
but not to me.

my brother and sister used to taunt me as a kid
since I couldn't roll my tongue
"come on dan try it...try it...nope nothing..."

this was used many a time to annoy on vacation trips in the car

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

cappa cappa cappa

the rush of adrenal
slouching on the ground with a puddle of water
next to my knees
the constant slice of caps whirling through the air


"ohh no...not again.... who is this mystery voss..."
the blindfolded avengar strikes again with amazing skill and poise
dazzling agility and keen detection skill

this is no mortal man
this is a legend in the creating

ol fasky fasky boo
holding out on the schneider brother's with
his new secret weapon

him and fred and voss
wrapped up in tostada blankie

and then...
just when j-lo and myself thought we could take over
with sir prince rudy at the helm and jeff striking 1 shot after another

what do we have but ol "not so trickle ease" voss
answering up every shot

damn what a sat-urt-day complete with
record spinology

bring on the noise fella's
bring it on

were going back
and maybe adding some horse-shoe tosses next

Friday, November 12, 2004

the sun's not yellow...its chicken

so once again finding myself
back in the similar thrawls and dolldrums
fighting fear and anxiety back
and still waivering and timid
I have at least some skin beneath
these bones to ride and find

maybe I need to check in with mr. fred
hop outside and take a look around
see everything that is going down

so it is plans

fask hook up the speeder bikes
were getting ready to roll
we'll bring fred along ET style and have him leading the way

all the way to planet hoth

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

"...thats a whole nother year...."

week thus far

I have been recovering and gathering stength
as I was sick as a dog over the weekend
stayed in all weekend and watched movies and took time
re-coop and rest
much needed

haven't had booze or smokes in a week now
and feel pretty much the same
you know, except for acid reflux, head aches, cotton mouth, constant aching heart....(wait thats still there...)

but seriously I feel like having stayed in and not gone out should
have made me a super hero or something with the defenses of an at-at(this reference will make sense later in the blog)

I was expecting some kind of high that goes along with
getting spiderman's powers
after he slept for a day and a half after the radioactive spide bit him
and woke up refreshed without glasses and all jacked and shit

along the same lines with movies and all
I saw the trailer for the new star wars movie and
it looks awesome. I have been duped everytime and gotten my hopes up
for everyone of his movies, and although episode's 1 and 2 were not to my
highest approval I still saw both of them
and would watch either one if it was randomly on tv
I can't wait for the next one to come out

lucas needs to hire a director because he sucks dick at getting people to act


any star wars loyalist's out there
who need a forum to vent their half parts excitement/anger
over the new movie and the way lucas has ruined the others(1+2)

I mean come on

episode 1 would have been decent without jar jar
and episode 2 would have been decent without the horrible acting of anakin


Wednesday, November 03, 2004

here come the warm jets

and I don't mean warm summer sun sprinkler
or even something completely gross
I am talking about the nuclear warm jets
the eternal heat and radiation
the coming of the apocalypse

how has this happened?
what has happened to my country?

I am ashamed to be an American
I wanna be proud of my country and what it stands for

I always thought this country was founded on freedom
and ideals and separation of religion and state
looks like they threw the ol rule book right out the window and into the crapper.

"...he took that tobasco sauce and put it
on his finger and stuck it right up my butthole..."

I wanna be patriotic more than ever
for a country that I love and believe in
not this.
I have done too much sitting back and talking a good game
but no action, it is time for us all to get involved
lets please try and save this nation

isn't funny that the republicans always cut funding to education
yet the people who vote them into power are the least educated in the country
hmmm. ..interesting equation we have here
right out of the ol schaums outline

change is now!
