here come the warm jets
and I don't mean warm summer sun sprinkler
or even something completely gross
I am talking about the nuclear warm jets
the eternal heat and radiation
the coming of the apocalypse
how has this happened?
what has happened to my country?
I am ashamed to be an American
I wanna be proud of my country and what it stands for
I always thought this country was founded on freedom
and ideals and separation of religion and state
looks like they threw the ol rule book right out the window and into the crapper.
"...he took that tobasco sauce and put it
on his finger and stuck it right up my butthole..."
I wanna be patriotic more than ever
for a country that I love and believe in
not this.
I have done too much sitting back and talking a good game
but no action, it is time for us all to get involved
lets please try and save this nation
isn't funny that the republicans always cut funding to education
yet the people who vote them into power are the least educated in the country
hmmm. ..interesting equation we have here
right out of the ol schaums outline
change is now!
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