why lost and long, when the levee breaks...
this president of ours is some piece of work
ohh what a sacrifice he canceled the last 2 days of his vacation
to break it down to only 53/55 days of vacation instead
boo fucking hoo, I mean why in the hell should he get an entire month off
for vacation, second thought, why doesn't he just stay on vacation for the next 3 years
until his presidency is over
his god damn war in iraq is the main reason we were not prepared
for this hurricaen and flood, bush cut fundings to upkeep the levee that broke
releases all of the water into the city.
read here
also one of bush's excuses for all of the damage in new orleans, is because we
had no warning as to the hurricane threat
what the fuck does he mean no warning, I heard about it for 4 straight days 24 hours a day
what a lazy motherfucker
can't even get off his couch,w atching reruns of full house to
make a phone call to some guy in louisiana and tell him they can have
an extra couple of million to secure the levee
what a friggin moron
my cool craft better be hanging on your doorknob...
wow, that's one sexual innuendo packed full of wollop!
but really, it better be there. Hanging.
With bells on is optional, but then you'd have to actually craft that yourself.
p.s. I'm a loser
the cool craft has been hanging on my doorknob ever since you left it there...Actually that little doorknob craft is probably the coolest thing I have in my room, thanks again.
Bush strikes me more as a Sabrina the Teenage Witch fan- cartoon version of course.
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