turn the fan on high!!!!!!!!!
lets start this off by letting everyone in the universe know that I hate
the heat and in some parts the summer as well.
(of course, this being directed to a universe of at the most
maybe ~38 people, which is a universe in its own)
Anyways the summer is filled with everyone being all hunky dory
and happy and taking long walks and strolls on the beach
I mean it just makes me sick sometimes , give me a cool, calm coffee
shop for my dismay. "She destroyed me with a smile...."
with that being said, we had one of the greatest weekend ever for my bro's
stupendous 25th year in the living. Long live king tiny tim and his band
of merry pranksters. Nothing could have stopped him from going canoeing
his ankle was the size of watermelon and completely blue and purple and
he still hobbled one foot and all to get into the canoe for a little relaxation
and canoebedoobie sensations.
mad dash laughing sounds and juiceboxes smashed under foot
sounding like broken ankle ligaments born beneath cannabis high and
endless charades and of course oglivie ready and able in camouflage fatigues
to fight the eternal fight with extra firewood for the bonfire.
I mean what else could you
ask for....
dan, quick question that will help me figure out the plot to a possible movie we might all be in:
did you graduate in the same class as Katherine Faydash?
I realize I could go find my LT yearbook but I kind of don't feel like digging around for it.
Happy 4th!
ps I made a shit-load of tees this weekend, but no darling ones yet; I promise I will soon
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