Monday, May 09, 2005

heaven is a place where nothing ever happens...

so I went with faskola(moveon.ola's....)
to see kingdom of heaven last night

wastn't too bad
eva green was unbelievably gorgeous and I would
have seen a monkey kicking a soccer ball if she
was in it, also the battle scenes were really cool and had
nice lord of the rings aerial shots going on

the only thing is, is that I can't stand ridley scott's use of
slow motion/edit clip close up battle scenes
I know he is trying to make the viewer feel like
he really is in the middle of a battle but, just like gladiator,
but it just looked like bad digital editing.
basically it looks like what I imagine a battle to look or feel like
if I was on a lot of codeine and hash and had the flu
that's maybe how I would expect the battle to look like
although if that were the case I would be dead quick in battle

also not to sound like a sap or nuthin, but the love story
was basically non-existant and without that these movies
all turn into the same flick. If I didn't like the love storyso much
in the beginning of braveheart with the super pretty girl
the rest of it would have been shite.

its almost like you have to have a love story side by side
with constant gore and death in order to sell one of these
good epics.

anyways this was all accompanied by a guy sitting by himself
that would laugh every 4 seconds and then make a comment.
He had to either be drunk or suffering from some
form of mental illness. It drove me nuts in the beginning but
I eventually gave in and accepted it. It seems that all of the cool epic
battle movies I go to there is some asshole or group of assholes
that ruins it(LORD Oh ringding). Maybe I am too senstive
but it really ruins it for me, especially when I'm laying down 9 bucks a flick.

thoughts and dreams have been developing in my head
these days and I like it, even if it is idealistic bullshit.

warm rainy weather=me likey
time of no reply


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