"pull your head out of your ass dad..there's gonna be girls there..."
well and a nice fist full of jostens to waken my day here
jeez. today hit me like a ton of glass tipped bricks
pissing right in my ocular cavity...(Reference here?)
time to enter the beginning of the end here
this just might be the hardest damn couple of months
in my entire life.
top ten things I have learned in 2005 (in no particular order)
10. Increase the font size on your web browser so that the words are all
super fucking HUGE, it makes reading so much more fun.
9. Thinking you've got everything under control and can smoke whenever you want to without consequence is fucking retarded.
8. "You should listen to your friend billy zane.." erich sprague is a pretty cool dude.
7. Arrested Development is interesting and kookie, but isn't really that funny.
6. Having a front porch is absolutely necessary to maintaining some sort of sanity.
5. Putting a couple of stupid quarters in a parking meter is a lot better than paying a $75 ticket.
4. Getting evicted blows
3. Fighting with some punk ass 14 year old grandson of my 400 year old landlady for a security deposit, is neither glamorous nor cool, but watching fask turn into a lawyer for a month and writing multiple legal letters was almost worth it. The fact those dumbasses thought they could get away with forged documents itemizing fake cleaning expenses that never happened still astounds me, well we at least got our $1500 bucks back.
2. "Sweepie" is not a dream, "Sweepie" is real, he's a real live boy now.
1. I'm 30
good quote.
i hate quitting smoking. a great source of pleasure in my life is now gone. but, wait. i can get it back! all I gotta do is go down to the store and buy a pack! it's the easiest thing ever!
Dude, sorry for typing all night at your place. Thanks to you my first important lesson of 2006 is this: Baudelaire is fucking awesome.
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