white flags blanket white stockings
or rather failed dream metaphor
jesus, as if you don't have enough shit trying to live
and breath everyday
and maybe
find a decent girl to fall in love with and marry
and spend my life with
the one fabric thread holding me onto this
god forsaken planet
goes up and chokes again,
.... please ozzie revamp this meat head team
and bring some fire into the field?
I want guys breaking up double plays
I want catchers standing up to tori hunter
I want aggressive SMART baserunning....
I want the team to fall in love
as I fall in love
as I find my reason to be
as I find my year
just as the seasons change
and things begin again
(constant soundtrack in my head./././)
"septemmmmber I will reeeemember....a love once new has noowwwwww grown old...."
god bless simon and god bless garfunkel
maybe I should sit back and grow my fro out garfunkel style
and sit around with pineapples and ferns like on the cover of
"parsley, sage, rosmary and thyme..."
(whats the deal with that album cover anyways?)
anyways not to sound depressing in anyway what so ever
always good to rant
I think I may even start to like this
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